Saturday, February 4, 2017


❤In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful❤

Whoever taqwa to Allah, Allah has prepared for his servants the way out. And give him sustenance from sources he did not know. Whoever put their trust in Allah, He will suffice him. Verify, Allah accomplish his will. Verify, Allah has certainly for everything.  

Some say Money is everything, some would prefer Love, but I think Food is the most important need to our-life. Why?! because with an empty stomach you can't have the strength to find money and you can't afford to give your love-buddy happiness!! 
Thus, Food is the key of happiness and success. 

 Alhamdullilah, our small project blossomed! 
to serve you with our delicious and variety of food; we do accept order! #jomorder !!! ✌

Pulut Kuning with Chicken Rendang
  *Minimum order 20 pax 
  *RM5 per pax
  *Side dished (can change,eg Beef Rendang)
  *Suitable for :
    -Thanks Giving Ceremony 
    -Wedding Ceremony 

Laksa Johor
                    *Minimum order 20 pax
                    *RM6 per pax
                    *Noodle is spaghetti 
                    *Sambal Belacan is a must!
                    *Johorean Style✌

Chicken Soto☕ 

                      *Minimum order 20 pax
                      *RM5 per pax
                      *Mince fried chicken
                      *Can be change to 
                         -Bee Hoon 


       *Minimum order 20 pax
       *RM3.50 per pax
       *Filling :

As shown above are some of our menu, there's many other menu that we serve and do accept order. The price also affordable, and it taste good too (insya-Allah)❤ the area that we cover (accept order); Kuala Lumpur & neighborhood (pick-up and also delivery). 

For any inquiry - whatsapp/call 0122141364 Kak ct ❤


Thursday, February 2, 2017

Birthday "u" !!!

This abandon blog I start with a story between you and me.


What is introvert? Opposite of extrovert. A person who is energized by spending time alone. Often found in their homes, libraries, quiet parks that not many people know about, or other secluded places, introverts like to think and be alone. Contrary to popular belief, not all introverts are shy. Some may have great social lives and love talking to their friends but just need some time to be alone to "recharge" afterwards. The word "Introvert" has negative connotations that need to be destroyed. Introverts are simply misunderstood because the majority of the population consists of extroverts.

I  love to be friend with those people. why? It is because, I feel safe whenever I with them. Yes, they do like to think before act! which consist much of information that can differentiate good and bad. 
woow!!! Bukan kah itu suatu keistimewaaan?! 

Thus, I introduce you my best babe that I felt, melt, freeze a year ago ♥♥
Eh? Shy meow-meow plak!

Babe!!! Happy birthday ♛ thanks for being my brutal-kakak! but, i won't call u kakak in public, don't worry ky. haha.  I wish you to always think before act (kahkahkah) because that's your abilities ( a gift from the mighty one). I don't have that "gift", I do think, but always make a decision without think twice. Thus, almost every step is a mistake. But, never mind I put them as a "study" of my wrongness. Am i a positive girl? (hihi). 

Babe remember, our first met? 

SD was the place we met. Ya, and we did sang a song together with our RED team. kan?! Remembered?! We went to a classroom training for a month at SD-plantation tower (betul ke nama tempat tu? hoho). But, I'm not too close to you there, not even talked to you. (Sombong ka kitew mase tu?). 

A month training, I always saw you wearing "Baju Kurung". (peerrgghhhh~~ sopan and klasik seyh minah nie). BUT, my observation was wrong. haha haha and haha!! 

The first day of On Job Training (where?!) SDTC laaa~ at serdang, inside UPM in MTDC building. 

It's our first day on job training (tapi, bukan first time i've been there taw). It is because i've been there since as a practical student ( for the last 6 month, wooowww~ 6 month babe!! rase tipu sangat kalau ckp x rindu SDTC's memories, hahaha). 

We were assigned under a different supervisor but, with the same department and project ahead. 

Did you remember our project? 
(mesty la kene ingat, kebanggaan SDTC tu.. bejuta2 invest taw..bapak ar, projek besar babe!! pulangan masyuk...kikikih) 

I'm a field girl and you are a lab girl. haha.. A week after you've been transfer to  Lukut lab (which you were too happy to be transfer there, ya la... dekat dengan rumah kan)

And, I always went there to visit you with "gift".. haha... since that day, we became partner and link to our supervisor. 

Although we were always met, but, the longest time that we've met was only an hour je. But, your name always pop-up at whatsapp apps. Since then, all the secret been share through whatssapp. (hahahaha...gelak jahat!!!)

Okay, now.. I want to share our fun-work-together with them.. Jom!

Colloquium Day (The day you bring your new i-phone)

Bowling Day (I rather say it was "longkang" day..hahaha)

Sampling Day (hayooo,,burn in and out)

Tagging Day (hhha...yang nie paling sweet memories)

 once upon a time,  me and you were assigned to do a volunteering work ( saya ingin menegaskan disini ya, "volunteering") . But, the issues become "HOT" as hot as the heat of sunshine. haha.. (mana tak nye, satu SDTC di gempar gempur kan dngan issues nie, hakaq pun sampai mengalir air mata girl2 bertubi-tubi) 
Thus, me and you become a famous "trainee" there for our batch (kahkahkah, best what being famous... ceeehhh~) But, I want to thanks for those who willing to stand along with us! For those who bring the tissue to wipe our tears! (#dongibab)

Conference Day (we do support our team-mate-work taw)

Punching Day (Stay at your home and far from our "bos")

Last Day (last day for lukut people, there's no more Lukut Lab..huhu.. and you been transfer back to SDTC)
Apart from fun-work-together things.. We also had our escape time together.. where?!!!
 A trip to Malacca (A place full of stories)

Although this trip was only short escape time, but, we manage to complete it! that was my first time went sleep at your place taw. 

And your phone become mine! (sebab i-phone gambar canteq and membuatkan diri ini terlalu taksub dengan features nye,hihi) Thanks babe sebab sudi pinjamkan phone you ♡!!



Our second trip was a Hari Raya trip..kan?! went to azleen house (mirul's BGF..kikikih) went to my lovely big sis and bro house and also went makan2 to my house (that whole day was about eat and eat..woow!! kenyang)

Leen have a shy daddy and lovely mommy ♛♚ And she even pet a huge g-raff in her room!!

 Never thought that my sis and bro wearing same color of Baju Raya (itu namanye kimia♥)

This my home. Thanks sudi singgah walaupun sesat..hahahahahahaha

So, that the stories come together with you. The laugh and cry that we share together it remind and keep remind me about how bless of me have a friend like you. To judge you as an introvert person, that's not me. For me you are yourself, you never lie and never act fake in front of others. And the most best part is you never lie to our friendship♥

I hope that we can go travel all over the world together and capture many more memories (macam ayat orang couple plak kan, hahaha).  Oppss!! I'm not lesbian. Haha, friends are easy to find but true friends yang selalu hold our heart not hand. (ecececeh) And You are One of my true friend. Thanks Babe!

This our latest picture (terubat rindu mase ni taw)♥

Happy Birthday Afiqah ♥
                              *3rd Feb 2017*

Sunday, January 19, 2014

h0liday tRip 1 :3

...3.00am..arrive dalam pelukan ayahibu, sukenye diri ini X dpt dan gambarkan dngan kate2.... sewonok skli... slepaz membersihkan diri, ibu dtg dkat lalu bertanye.. "kakak lapar? Ibu adw tnggalkan sikit mkann tu kakak.." tp...Aq juz buat endah X endah laaa...dh memlam Bute cam nie...ngantuk...x larat nk bngun dh... Tp... ibu bngkas ke bngun n amik mkann lalu disuapkan ke dlm mulut nie... ahaha~bahagie rase nye.... shayang~~~ibu...♡ da whole day...Aq juz tito.tito dn tito.... bngun ble nk mkn dn solat...hehe...topup katenye :3 ...

15/01/2014!! Apw yg best nye?? Ahaha~ layan Korea laaaa...lameee weh x tengok Korea drama, arr, laptop adeq pnjam. Dua kat universiti x pkai laptop...tu yg X leh nk nonton korea tu...nk pinjam laptop owng malu, laaa, owng punye an..hehe... lauk arinie sedap2...yg lameee X d jumpai ialah....masakan ibuuuuuuuu~...

...arinie nie pun X kuar gak....masih dlm pelukan...ahaha~malaz laa kate nye...hihi.. ari nie ibu uat tomyam..nyam2... mesti laa lain rse nye yg bese uat kat hostel pun laaa....coraknye sme, tp....raaaaasa nya berbeda bangat...ahaha...dn arinie....masih melayan korea...huahaha...

...thaipusam~ cuty2...mmg cuty pun.. hhha~arinie kuar jenjlan... jenjlan rmah busu..busu adw baby dh..dlm inyut...besaaaaar~~hehe...dh 7bulan... kli nie jenjlan rmah busu perlu tambang singgit jw... dlu mahal...kne tol ag..wit minyak ag..wit mamam ag law singgah kat RnR.... Tp, skrng X perlu... juz singgit pergi.singgit balik... total rm2 jw...murah kan.. :) tp, penat laaa... sbb....zaman dh berubah....hehe ^^... x pw...x pw.. sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan pernah membebankan hamba nye sehinggakan hambanya terase terbeban... take it positively...owky?! Hihi.... lunch arinie busu masak..nyam2...kenyang... alhamdulillah... ptg tu pas balik..kitrng singgah pasaraye...shopping2 sikit...then,beli ikan patin....yae.... mlm nie mam asam pedas ikan patin... suke3...

...Saturday, mmmm.... arinie sarapan resipi baru...sbb smlm watching TV...cite masak2 kat umah busu... hihi...adw carrot, kentang, bawang, telor n tepung cikit...gaul2...then goreng..mcm jemput2... hehe.... lunch X mam nasi...mam bubur kacang...sedap~~~  ptng tu jejelan laaaa....sbtu an..hihi..g giant... jaooh gak ar...bagi aq...dis was my second time been thre...hihi...seronok gak ar...pastu g popular....nk bli pen Amy skli.... pastu round2 kat mall kecik tu...pusing punye pusing...adw byk brng murah2, nie klaw kocek x koyak..mmg smue bnde nk d angkut nye...pakal la..kocek nie dh berbulan lame nye x d jahit...hihi... bukan apw..benang yg tahan lme tu x dw..x jmpw. Ne ntah...hihi.. mlm nie daddy blik kjew kul 9...tu sme tunggu daddy.g mam donut...nyam2... pastu...dinner daddy blanje...nasi kandar...yae!!!...

...sunday~ arinie x uat apw2 pun...lepak2.... golek2...ngan ibu..hehe... men game... men banyk2 game...sarapan...spagetty...hihi..tiap2 ari mam sedap2... sme mcam dlu..cme bezenye  skrng mam bersile...hihi...jge peruttt...hehe... dlu  mam d bawah lampu romantik...skrng kalimantang jw..hihi.. jge mate..hehe... arinie..buat karipap taw..Aq tolong... tolong mkan. Ahaha..... dinner pun sedap~ aah... yg pnting smue sedap laaa...x dw yg X sedap... ♡...

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Aku punyai hati dan perasaan
Dan perasaan itu tdak boleh d main-mainkan
Aku punyai cinta
Dan cinta aku itu tulus lagi suci
Aku punyai cita-cita
Dan cita-cita itu akan ku kecapi
Aku punyai kamoo
Dan aku pasti kamoo jga punyai aku

Sunday, August 18, 2013


Assalamualaikum :)
'La tahzan... allah alwyz be wif us'
Ya.. I know it.. tapi..sebagai manusia biase,Mungkin kah kitew tdak akn rase sedih...
No.. my answer is no!!!
Setiap apw yg ktew lakukan..pasti serba sedikit akn memberi kesan pd kitew..btul x?! Hmmm...kadang2 aku rasa sedih.. sbb, x dw owrng nak cuba faham perasaan ini.. nak aku luahkan..x taw pade spe aku perlu luahkan.. nak ku pendam..tapi..x tertanggung seorang diri.. so, macam mane? 
Pernah aku fikir...biarlah aku sendiri yg rse kedukaan itu. 
Biarlah orng nmpak aku suke.gembira.riang...
Tp..tuhan jw yg tahu..betape.pilu.sayu hati ni...
Ye lar..buat apw kitew nak bagitahu kesedihan.. masalah kitw.kan.. sbb smue orng ad masalah... 
Cume pandai ataw tdak dy handle masalah itu. Kan3..
aku ad merahsiakan sesuatu perkare...hmmm.. 
May b byk perkare kot..kat semue orng..
Sbb aku rase mcam x perlu semue perkare kitew bleh kongsi..kan.? Mungkin kitew best frnz...n mungkin dy orng yg aku pa....ling x semudah itu aku perlu ceritakan segale2nye..kan.. ya..I know. 
Tahap kepercayaan aku pde orng adlah 'weak'.. 
Orng kate... sesuatu relationship itu akn berkekalan jika kepercayaan itu kuat... aku... relationship itu akan berkekalan bila kite saling memahami antara satu sama lain.. 
Kejujuran...juga bukan faktor sesuatu relationship itu truz kekal...kan? 
Sbb.. kadang2 kejujuran itu menyakitkan...
dat's a fact.!'s happen to me right now..
Sedih..bile kitew sdah bersedia memberikan kebenaran..
Tp..seolah2 kejujuran yg d beri dipijak2 tanpa mempunyai belas kasihan... sedih kan.?! 
Pembohongan yg d lakukan hnye utk memberi mase utk seseorang itu menerime kenyataan...
Tp....itu semua x berkesan...
Mungkin tindakan aku kali ini yg salah...
Hmmm..baiklah...aku akan cube memperbaiki diri aku sendiri...cume..aku perlukan ruang kemaafan itu..

Sunday, July 7, 2013

maafkan lah dia :(

Apa yang kakak tahu. kalau x ade ayah n ibu. x kan ade nye kakak. x kan sempurna kalau hanye ibu seorang sbb benih nye pada ayah. ayah sayang kakak macam menatang minyak yg penuh. kalau kakak buat silap. ayah x pernah menengking kakak.marah sudah semestinye, sbb marah tande sayang. kakak x pernah salah kan ayah kalau ayah marah kakak,sbb mmg dah sepatutnye. :) perkataan kasar, ganas, caci x pernah keluar dari mulut ayah.. sedegil mane pun ayah x kan keluarkan perkataan2 kotor n terkeji tu.. malah bodoh pun belum tntu. ayah x pernah katakan bodoh pada anak2nye..walaupun sekali.pernah satu ketika, kakak wat salah dengan menurunkan tanda tangan pada report card sekolah rendah kakak, kakak takut nak suruh ayah sign sbb markah yg corot tu. ayah tahu, and ayah pukul kakak, tapi.....ayah x pernah menengking kakak, cuma ayah kesal dngan perbuatan kakak itu. hm.. itu cerita lama~ ayah anak last, x de adik..manja. sejak kawin ngan ibu, baru ayah dapat adik..4 skali..hihi.. walaupun ayah x pernah ade ayah sayang adik2 ibu..ayah anggap mcam adik ayah sendiri..ape yg termampu ayah bagi pade adik2 ayah..ayah ade 2 adik perempuan n 2 adik lelaki..ayah macam seorang ayah n abg pada mereke.. ayah antar adik lelaki ayah sampai ke kolej begitu jga dngan adik perempuan ayah.. sampai ke univesiti pun ayah antar walaupun hanye naik bas... sbb ayah tahu..ayah ibu x berape mampu, sbb itu ayah tolong, ibu kate ayah x pernah mengeluh..sbb itu dah menjadi tanggungjawab ayah sebagai anak sulung setelah berkahwin dengan ibu.. ayah pernah menghadiahkan motor kawasaki ayah pade adik lelaki ayah...ayah kasi die..sbb ayah ad motor lain.. pergi melancong kemane2..ayah ibu selalu ambil gambar, katenye sebagai kenagan. terlihat pada satu photo mase kakak masih kecil, ayah bawa pergi pantai.. kakak nampak semue adik2 ayah ikut. :) adik2 ayah dah besar.. nak kawin pun ayah take part..lanskap, meja berdamai.. aturcara..semue ayah handle.. ayah kate.. ayah nak wat yg terbaik..utk kenangan nie..ayah nak sruh adik2 ayah simpan n jadikan ianye kenangan terindah.. :) ayah kerje ngan majlis perbandran.. so, perkahwin akan menjadi lebih senang.. sbb ayah boleh pinjam lanskap dr majlis.. hihi...lori..meja kerusi..smue ayah pinjam dr sane.. mcam2 konsep serte ianye berlainan antara satu adik dngan satu adik yg lain.. ayah tolong mereke.. ayah kpade ayah ayah (arwah paktuk) kakak sudah lame menyahut seruan illahi.. ayah tinggal bersame mak ayah n abg2 yg lain.. walaupun mungkin ayah hanye mendapt sedikit kasih sayang seorang ayah..ataupun tdak.. ayah mampu menjage ayah ibu dengan sebaik2nye(alhamdullilah) dengan baik. ketika ayah ibu sakit, kakak ingat lagi ayah bawa ayah ibu dari kampung ke hospital..ayah sanggup berulang alik.. ayah ibu sakit jantung, buat operation..kat IJN. balik dari hospital..x tahu nak duduk mane..ayah bawa ayah ibu balik ke rmah kami..(mahligai indah).. kencing berak ayah yg buat, yg cuci..adik2 lelaki ayah sibuk, ayah x kesah.. sehinggalah ayah ibu cukup sihat mampu utk bangun duduk sendiri...baru ayah hantar pulang ke kampung... sekarang.. semue itu hanye tinggal kenangan .. kenangan terindah.. ayah ibu dah semakin improve(alhamdullilah).. adik2 ayah dah berjaye.. semue dah bekerje... ade yg buka bisnes sendiri..ade yg kerje kat syarikat besar..semue dah senag..kawin pun dah..dgan orang2 yg alhamdullilah senang2 belake... :) ibu kate..ayah nie sebaik2nye orang..x pernah tengking..selalu tolong orang dlm kesusahan...ade orang nak pinjam duit 20sen pun ayah kasi pinjam,walaupun dlam kocek ayah hanye ade 30sen... ayah sanggup bagi die.. sbb ayah pernah cakap ngan kakak, kalau orang meminta..kita bagi..sbb memberi itu kan perbuatan yg mulia dripade kite menerime.. :) tapi~sekarang ayah susah....susah ayah atas kesilapan ayah jga...kerane kesilapan yg haye satu n sedikit.. membuatkan ayah berade dlm keadaan yg sangat2 kritikal... kakak sedih :( sbb kakak x mampu tolong ayah.. kakak cume mampu berdoa agar allah meringankan sedikit kesusahan ayah n memberi petunjuk atas masalah yg ayah hadapi.. ayah mintak tolong dgan ramai orang..ramai sangt..begitu jge dgan adik2 ayah.. tapi~ kakak lagi sedih :( bile kakak tahu.. semue orang x mampu... hnye dngan sedikit silap langkah..semue bermasam muke,x hulurkan tangan bile terserempak,marah, maki, buang ayah...... (T_T) betul lah kate peribahase "buat baik berpade2, buat jahat jangan sekali" .... ayah~walau macam mane pun susah ayah.. kakak, ibu, abg, abg adik, adik..sentiase d sisi ayah.. x pe lah ayah... kite usehe same2..demi mencapai kebahagiaan kite sendiri.. x pe lah ayah.. kite redho dngan ketentuan illahi..jngan bimbang.. kami anak2 ayah sentiase sokong ayah..begitu jge dngan ibu.. -MAY ALLAH BLESS US :)-

Sunday, December 9, 2012

saYe tahu

saye rase..saye tahu, spw orang yang awk suke tu..
dan perkare nie mmbuat kan saye sedih..
sbb might be orang itu berade didpan mate sye..
dan, orang tu sudh pn berpunye,sbb sye perasan
..ble story jw pasal awak..msty dy terlebih excited..
kadang2..sye jelus, knapw msty dye orang yg awak pilih tu..?!
knpw msty dye.!?

aah~sye mntak maaf klaw cemburu sye nie melampau, tapi,
 klaw orng lain pon yg berade di tempat sye skrang nie..
pasty akn memikirkan prkare yg sme..bt0l x.?

ya allah.. knpw lar aku nie mcm menagih sngt cinte dy..
apw lah yg membuatkan aq tersangkut dngan mamat ni..
Oh Allah, give me da strength and hold me not 2 b ZINA..
jauh kan aq dr zina hati.. sesunggh nye zina hati tu bet0l2 akan membuat ku jaoh lagi dri Engkau..
ya muhaimin.. ampunkan lah d0sa ku..
buangkan lah perasaan ini..

aWak..saya tahu saye salah..
maafkan sye kerne cuBe berebut tempat d hati aWak..
sesungguhnya, sye dlam keadaan kurang sedar..
hanyut dlam buaian syaitan latnattullah..
insyallah, sye akan teruz berdoa agar kitew sme2 menemui keredhaan illahi..
moge allah menjaga hati saye dn jga hati aWak.
jika betol perasaan sye pde aWak.insyallah~
allah telah menentukan segale2 nye..
